Every Women Counts Health Class
This class is designed for community members to learn about early detection of breast and cervical cancer, risk factors, and screening/prevention.
Join our class and see if you qualify for FREE breast and cervial cancer screenings.
$10 grocery gift card for the first 15 participants who attend the presentation AND complete the consent and evaluation forms.
ZOOM Class Information:
Date: June 18th @ 5:00pm
Meeting link (please RSVP for the password): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81957342089?pwd =TVlBbExuSDBkRmdUdVFWY1g0cEtoQT09
Meeting ID: 819 5734 2089
Mobile: +1 669 900 9128 US
Please RSVP by emailing pbartley@healthcollaborative.org
Questions? (530) 717-0010