NeighborWorks America Provides Funding, Training and Support for CHIP
In 2013, CHIP became a chartered member of NeighborWorks America, and during that time we have benefitted from this association for trainings, conferences, funding, and being a part of a large network of similar organizations focused on affordable housing and related services. In December, 2017, we attended a portfolio strengthening clinic through their National Real Estate Program’s asset management division. This workshop took place at the NeighborWorks Training Institute in Washington, DC.
Staff members Holly McCormick (Director of Finance and Asset Management), Wendy Phillips (Director of Property Management) and Kris Zappettini (Director of Rental Housing and Interim President) along with Board Member Vanessa Haro (pictured) were the team representing CHIP. Five adventurous and educational days were spent evaluating portfolio specific issues and opportunities, studying repositioning strategies, and considering other organizational changes to help strengthen both our portfolio and our organization.
A primary purpose of the training was to establish a clear understanding of the issues and opportunities and to identify key solutions to improve the portfolio’s financial health. Based upon the training we received from three experienced trainers, CHIP was tasked to develop a plan that would act as the basis for the National Real Estate Program Grant we will submit in March 2018. Should our application be approved, CHIP will have the opportunity to be awarded funding for the next three years.
The team presented our plan at the end of the training and received feedback and guidance on the proposal. It was an excellent opportunity for three CHIP departments to collaboratively work on the problem and establish a path towards solutions. Vanessa was able to gain a better understanding of how to evaluate the financial condition of a property and did an outstanding job presenting on behalf of the group. Everyone agreed that we learned valuable tools to address both current and future needs of CHIP’s Property Management Portfolio.
More about NeighborWorks:
NeighborWorks® America, celebrating its 40th Anniversary, is committed to developing and supporting a network of excellence to strengthen communities and transform lives. To ensure that NeighborWorks America is accountable to Congress, OMB, funders and taxpayers for the allocation of grant funds, NeighborWorks America developed a four point system to rate the health and risk of network organizations. Organizations are rated Exemplary, Strong, Satisfactory, or Vulnerable and receive annual offsite review and triennial onsite reviews.
At its December 2017 Organizational Health Tracking System (OHTS) Committee meeting, NeighborWorks America affirmed that the current Strong rating will be continued for CHIP based on an off-site review that included an assessment of Production and Program Services, Resource and Financial Management, and Organizational Management and Board Governance.