Umpqua Bank Donates $6k to CHIP’s Summer Activity Programs
Associates from Umpqua Bank presented a check to Kris Zappettini, interim president of Community Housing Improvement Program on February 15.
This funding supports summer activity programs for children who live in 14 of the CHIP’s rental housing communities in the counties of Shasta, Tehama, Glenn, Butte, Sutter and Yuba. The grant funds volunteer stipends, snacks, and materials.
The majority of renatl housing clients CHIP serves are between 30-50 percent of area median income. During the summer months when school is not in session, the children are looking to fill their free time because very few of the families can afford costly summer programs. Additionally, this period can create a gap in the academic development of the students because without guidance, structure and encouragement, very few of them will read and/or practice math on their own.
“Thank you so much for supporting the work that we do,” Zappettini told Umpqua. “The donation will be used to benefit so many children that live at our rental housing communities this summer through the Summer Enrichment Program. We are very excited to launch this new program with the support of the bank.”
Community Housing Improvement Program
CHIP is a private, non-profit corporation providing quality affordable self-help housing, rental apartment communities and housing-related services to seven Northern California counties. The organization has built more than 2,000 housing units in the North Valley since 1973 and is a member of the NeighborWorks network.
For more information contact:
Desiree Gonzalez dgonzalez@chiphousing.org
530.891.6931 x249
Kris Zappettini kzap@chiphousing.org
530.891.6931 x243